Women in leadership: a pathway to better performance
Women in leadership: a pathway to better performance Women in leadership: a pathway to better performance
Morally and ethically, pushing for parity between women and men in senior business positions is clearly the right thing to do. What also makes the benefits of gender parity compelling is the impact it can have on the commercial performance of businesses — diversity and inclusion can make companies more profitable, innovative and respected.
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Three threats the mid-market saw coming for 2023
International business Three threats the mid-market saw coming for 2023
Three of the threats uppermost in the minds of business leaders in the mid-market were inflation, cyber attack, and economic slowdown.
1 min read |
IFRS Alerts
IFRS Alerts covering the latest changes published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
International business image
International business Mid-market businesses look past slowdown and plan for growth
Although there are signs of an improving global economic outlook, mid-market firms are under no illusions about the difficulties ahead.
Why the mid-market should push for parity
Women in business 2023 Why the mid-market should push for parity
This year’s Women in Business report – The Push for Parity shows that globally, 32.4% of senior management positions are now held by women.
The push for parity
The push for parity The push for parity
Progress on the overall number of women in senior leadership continues, but it’s concerningly slow.